A Diva is Born for DUI Insurance NC

Currently the point of this blog is DUI Insurance NC and to help me work through my feelings of occasional burnout towards my occupation. If I am going to spend 1/3 of my day doing something, by golly I am going to capitalize on what I love about it—and drop the rest.  Don’t get me wrong, I do not dislike it. I really don’t. In fact, there are some aspects of the job I really find enjoyable & the routine to be quite comforting.

However, when I get emails like this it REALLY helps me think beyond the Groundhog Day aspects of my work, and consider the parts that I look forward to each day:

“Brown-Phillips Insurance and Ashlee saved my car and my credit.

A little policeman in a little town in the mountains of NC wore out his ink pen giving me tickets for driving while Latino. I fought it the best I could, but I never had a chance.

My insurance with the G company that has the little green lizard in their commercials went from $600.00 a year to $4000.00 a year. I couldn't sell my car, I couldn't keep it without insurance, and I couldn't pay the insurance. I was so desperate that I went to the bank to ask them how to turn it in.

Then I found Ashlee at Brown-Phillips. She got me all the answers I needed almost immediately.   She gave me coverage with a national company for about a third of what the G company demanded. When the G company wanted almost $200.00 to cancel my coverage, Ashlee helped me stop them from doing that as well.

I came to Ashlee in desperation. She saved my car and my credit. I will stay because of terrific service and amazing prices.

Thanks Ashlee and thanks to Brown-Phillips for helping me in an impossible situation.”

And not to ‘toot my own horn’, I get a fair amount of them. I mean, someone has to really love you, or really hate you, to bother posting a review or testimonial on the good ol’ interweb. Fortunately I get a whole lot more of the former. If you are interested, you can find more of this lovefest right here:


Hey, with comments like that all the time, it’s easy to see how THE DIVA was born!

(I like to call this photo “market research”…)

DUI Insurance NC

How, you ask, did I become the DUI Insurance NC Diva? Well. I do not condone or advocate drinking & driving. In fact, I think it is a really bad idea…Dangerous, expensive, humiliating—yeah, definitely not an advocate. But it happens. Have I driven after having a few drinks before? Yes. In the interest of keeping it real, I must admit: Shamefully, I have. Stuff happens in life, and I’m not throwing any stones of judgment from my glass house. I have talked with enough people that have been convicted to know how much they regret the whole mess of it, and it basically sucks to learn lessons the hard way.

I guess as an agency we started a focus on DUI Insurance NC clients when we realized, 1. We have an unbelievably awesome program in our state, 2. There is a huge market out there. So for me, the best part about my job is helping the people out who find themselves in this situation. Most of them are demoralized & embarrassed. I am glad that I can help people feel better. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone. 

Is my long term goal to be your insurance agent forever? Probably not. Sure, that would be great…but in my opinion, the days of sticking with one company for 30 years went out with the phone book. It’s not that world any more. Too much competition. Too many crazy mood swings (translated into rate swings) by insurance carriers. I haven’t had the same insurance company for the past xx number of years. Why would I expect anyone else to be different? But for the 3-5 years this DUI Insurance NC is part of your life, I’m your diva. And I am happy with that. And if you want to be my customer for 30 years, then I am happy with that too!  We have a market for any type of client. DUI Insurance NC just happens to be my favorite.

So, I love writing policies for clients with DWI convictions. There…I said it. I enjoy hearing the stories, and being a listening ear to so many frustrated people. I love the relief in their voices & I even love convincing them that yes, this quote is accurate. Bottom line, the thing that keeps me coming back to this position is I enjoy relating to people. I’m weird like that.

Would you like to share your story here?  Judgment free zone.  I have heard them all after years of experience, so nothing can surprise me…

DUI Diva Blog
DUI Insurance NC Diva Blog
DUI Journey, Detailed steps of the dui process.
DUI Journey, Detailed steps of the dui process. Find out how the whole process works and share your own dwi journey.
DUI Insurance NC, Best rates in NC for DUI Convictions
DUI Insurance NC, See what other clients say about our insurance rates for drivers with a dui conviction
DUI Insurance Quote, Get the best rates for dui insurance in NC.
DUI Insurance Quote, Get the best rates for dui insurance in NC. The DUI Diva can offer you the lowest rates on auto insurance after a dui charge in NC.
Celebrity DUI Convictions, See what celebrities have received a dui conviction.
Celebrity DUI Convictions, Seems like a lot of hollywood a listers are getting duis. Justin Bieber is not alone.
Important Health Advice For Women, not DUI Insurance related
Important Health Advice For Women, not really related to dui insurance but a must read
Cheap DUI Insurance, See how low our rates are for a dui conviction
Cheap DUI Insurance, Want to know how the DUI Diva can provide you with the best rates in the state for drivers with a dui conviction? Just click here to see how I can do it.
DL123 form, Just the facts maam.
DL123 form, Just the facts maam. What is it and why you need one. We offer instant dl123 forms
Drunk driving insurance, DUI insurance or DWI insurance.
Drunk driving insurance, is most commonly called DWI or DUI insurance. If you have been convicted of drunk driving, we can get you the insurance coverage you need. DL123 issued same day!
DUI Insurance, If you've been issued a DWI DUI, We can help!
DUI Insurance, If you've been issued a DUI in the last 60 days, you must act now to protect your insurance rates.
DUI Insurance points, how many insurance points is a dui conviction
DUI Insurance points, how many points is a dui and how long will this stay on my record?
DWI Auto Insurance NC, Get DWI Insurance today! Great rates and Fast dl-123.
DWI Auto Insurance NC, If you have been convicted of a DWI DUI, you can still get great rates on your auto insurance. Find out how good our rates are today! Call or click for a quote.
FR44 Insurance, What is an FR44 form and why do I need it?
FR44 Insurance, we can issue an FR44 Form electronically with the state Florida. Get a DUI Insurance quote today.
SR22 NC, Do you need an sr22 form for NC?
SR22 NC, An SR22 is not needed in the state of North Carolina. Some states require you to file the form but NC is not one of them.
SR22 Insurance, Get a quote today with the best rates in NC for DWI Insurance
SR22 Insurance, Does North Carolina require SR-22 Insurance to get your license. Get a quote today with the best rates in NC for dwi insurance.
DWI Schools, substance abuse assessment class. Click here for NC list
DWI Schools, substance abuse assessment class. Click here for a complete list of North Carolina Schools.

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